Also the Marksman looks sick as FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK! Installs like any other mod.

Patreon if you’d like to donate to the channel. This list shows all available weapons in the latest PC version of Modern Firearms. If possible make the "service With Rank 1 of the Scrapper perk, a basic pipe pistol can be scrapped for 4 pieces of steel, while a basic pipe rifle yields 3 pieces of steel. Copy files to DATA\TEXTURES folder located in your FALLOUT 4 game folder (create a \textures folder under \Data if there isn't one). Removes the scope from the Marksman Carbine and makes it a separate weapon mod. The Marksman carbine extended magazine is a weapon mod for the Marksman carbine which was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas before its release. You can do that with this provocative monster of a marksman rifle, the Desert Tech SRSA2 mod. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 play this straight, and subvert it. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.